Welcome! We appreciate your visit to our website.
Located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, we established our Center with your well-being in mind.
We believe each of us contributes to our own well-being.
Practices in mind-body self-care can support well-being.
Awareness of and practices in self-care support us in living meaningful lives; lives that connect us with our deepest values and most meaningful goals.
As we grow in awareness, our actions generally become more mindfully attuned to our sense of meaning. We often experience a greater sense of personal well-being which extends beyond ourselves and into our relationships with important others in our lives. Further ripples extend to the larger environment, thus contributing to the greater good.
We invite you to join us on a mindful journey of discovery.
Our services include
coaching, consulting, and counseling
designed to address a range of needs.
We hope you will join us for one or more of our offerings.